How to Tackle Tailgating
What are tailgating and piggybacking? We’re answering your physical security worries.

So, what are ‘Tailgating’ and ‘piggybacking’ in the physical environment?
Tailgating (also known as piggybacking) in physical security is one of the most widespread security breaches affecting businesses today that often go undetected. Tailgating can be simply described as the passage of an unauthorised person, forced or accidental, behind that of an authorised user.
How and when does tailgating or piggybacking occur?
One of the most frequent instances of tailgating occurs when an employee politely holds open a door for a colleague or visitor. This unintentionally creates a security breach by enabling an unauthorised user to access the building or area. Another instance where tailgating can occur is when an oblivious employee allows a door to slowly close behind them, leaving the opportunity for an unauthorised user to enter via the closing door.
Tailgating can also happen unintentionally by third parties, such as subcontractors propping open a door while carrying out work. It can be a particular problem in multi-tenanted buildings where a large number of employees and contractors access the building.
What are the risks?
Tailgating not only puts an organisation’s property, data, and occupants at risk but can also cost businesses considerable revenue losses from long-term damage to their brand and reputation. For service industries such as the leisure industry, where controlled access is required, this can also result in a loss of revenue.
A range of anti-tailgating solutions can help you eliminate the threat of unauthorised access at the point of entry before your security is breached.

What solutions prevent this security breach?
A Security Revolving Door or Security Portal can provide the highest level of anti-tailgating detection, ensuring the user is alone. They can also enable sites to operate 24/7 with unmanned access, ensuring only authorised users can gain access day or night. With a high level of tailgating detection and additional levels of security, such as resistance to a forced attack and bullet-resistant glazing, Security Revolving Doors and Security Portals are ideal for high-security sites.
Speed Gates can create a secure entrance line whilst providing tailgating detection for locations with a high level of footfall and a requirement to manage the flow of people.
Tailgating (piggybacking) detection
How do Speedgates help? When a user presents a valid ID card, the gate opens, and the user enters the lane. When a second user without a valid ID card enters, lane tailgating is detected. An alarm is output, and the gate closes.
A sensor-based Smart Access Control System (SMACS) can provide the perfect solution for sites where more traditional forms of anti-tailgating are not suitable. SMACS is a highly flexible multi-flow solution using cameras and sensors to detect and prevent tailgating. The discreet installation ensures no alterations to your building’s infrastructure are required, meaning SMACS can be installed or retrofitted with minimal disruption utilising existing doors.
Full-height turnstiles can provide a robust solution to prevent unauthorised access 24/7 without needing manned security. However, they are unable to provide detection. Full-height turnstiles are most frequently used on the site perimeter to provide pedestrian access alongside CCTV.